Bryce walked to the
side of the bed to look at Sapphire.
He just wanted to make
sure she’s okay that why he decided to pass by her room before going to sleep
but it seems like he had woken her up.
Or not.
When she looked at
Sapphire closely, he saw that even though she was smiling but her eyes were
already closed and she was sleeping peacefully
She’s sleep-talking.
He felt something stir
in his heart, knowing that Sapphire was dreaming about him.
He had no idea when it
happened, but he had already stopped seeing Schyler as a nuisance and started
to find her amusing.
Sapphire stirred and
with her eyes still closed, held on to his hand. “Don’t go…”
“Hey, are you
awake?” But what answered him was her even breathing. She was still fast
asleep. “Unbelievable. You still love to cling to people even when you’re
He sat down on the
side of her bed and rested his back on the headboard. He would just let her
hold his hand for a while.
He closed his eyes to
rest them for a while.
Before he knew it, he
already fell asleep.
When he woke up, he
was lying on the bed, there was a blanket on him and Sapphire was sitting on
the edge of the bed, brushing her hair.
When she turned
around, she saw him and exclaimed, “Oh you’re already awake! Good morning! I
hope you don’t mind that I moved you from your position. I just thought you
might be more comfortable sleeping lying down than sitting.”
“I didn’t
intend to fall asleep. You held on to my hand last night and told me not to
“I did?!”
Sapphire exclaimed, looking embarrassed. “I must have been sleep-talking again.
Sorry. Oh by the way, I need to talk to you about something.”
“What is it?”
He got up and sat on the side of the bed.
“I did tell you before that Em's brother is
leaving right? He left yesterday. Em's alone in her house again so there’s no
reason for me to stay here in your house anymore. Actually, I already packed my
things while you were sleeping,” she stood up.
Bryce noted the way
pain flashed across Sapphire’s face and frowned. “It still hurts?”
“What? Oh this,”
Sapphire looked at her foot. “A bit. I didn’t know a sprain could last this
long. But I’ll be fine.” She smiled brightly and shrugged as if it was nothing
but she winced when she accidentally put pressure on her injured foot.
“Sit down.
You are not going anywhere in that condition,” he commanded.
“I’ll be fine
in Em’s house.”
He sighed. “Alright,
but I’m taking you there myself. Wait here and don’t you dare stand up from
that bed. I’ll place your bags in the car,” he said, turning away to get her
“You don’t
have to do that Bryce!” Sapphire protested and grabbed his arm to stop him.
“No more
arguments.” He looked at her. “Don’t make me worry too much, Sapphire,” he
added before he could stop himself.
worried about me? Really?”
He groaned. Why the hell did I said that? She’ll tease
me to death and I’ll never hear the end of this.
He was already
expecting her to laugh and tease him but he was taken aback when she reached up
to touch his face, looked into his eyes and solemnly said, “Thank you.”
What she saw in her
eyes reminded of him of what he used to be as a child. There was so much trust
in her eyes, innocence, joy and even… love?
But he couldn’t be too
sure because his sister chose that moment to enter the room and squeal
“I’m the maid
of honor, okay? But then again, Em might want to be the maid of honor too. Oh,
but I want to be the maid of honor–”
“Shut up Amanda.
You’re spouting nonsense again,” he said sternly.
But Amanda wouldn’t
give up. “But you have to take responsibility for your actions Kuya!”
“What are you
talking about now Amanda?” He asked, not getting why his sister was being
“You two
slept together, didn’t you?” Amanda said matter-of-factly.
“What?!” he
said, shocked that Amanda would assume that. Then he realized that he was alone
with Sapphire in the room early in the morning, he was in the same clothes he
wore yesterday, he was slightly leaning towards Sapphire and her hand was on
his face – that was the scene that Amanda had walked on and it was a scene that
anyone could easily misunderstand, much more his
born-with-an-overactive-imagination sister.
“Sorry to
disappoint you Amanda but nothing happened between me and your brother. We just
literally slept. He fell asleep taking care of me yesterday.” Sapphire smiled
at Amanda fondly. She seems to genuinely like his sister.
“Oh well,”
Amanda said looking disappointed. Then she noticed Sapphire’s suitcase. “Oh,
you already packed your things!”
Amanda looked excited
as opposed to sad, which confused him.
Isn’t she supposed to be crying now, begging for Sapphire
not to go?
“Em, Ken, Brad and Nat are already waiting downstairs
for us,” his sister said and pulled Sapphire’s hand to make her stand up.
But he restrained her
hand to stop her. “Why are they here?”
“You don’t
know? I thought Em had already told you about the trip.”
“What trip?
And stop pulling Sapphire. She can’t walk around. She still has a sprain.”
“Em said Sapphire wanted to go to Boracay.”
“I did say that. But I didn't say I
wanted to go now,” Sapphire said.
“Oh? Well, please don't cancel the
trip now. Everyone's already excited to go,” Amanda pleaded.
“Amanda! Sapphire still has a
sprain!” Bryce protested.
“She could heal faster if she's in a
refreshing place than if she's cooped up in here.”
“Amanda has a point, Bryce. I'm sure
my sprain would be gone later or at the latest, tomorrow so there's really no
need to cancel the trip,” Sapphire said, her excitement showing on her eyes.
She really wanted to go to Boracay.
“Alright but until that foot of
yours is healed, no walking around for you,” Bryce said sternly.
“Sir yes sir!” Sapphire said.
Amanda giggled. “I'll go tell the
everyone. Will you be ready in 10 mins or do you need more time to cuddle?”
Sapphire felt her face heating up
but she covered it up by laughing.
Bryce on the other hand, threw a
glare to Amanda's direction. “Do you want to be grounded?”
Amanda ran away as fast as she
Sapphire was still laughing when
Bryce turned to her.
“You shouldn't have theatened her
like that. She was just teasing.”
“I wasn't serious with the threat.”
“You weren't?”
“No. Amanda deserves a vacation.”
“True, she's a nice girl.”
After 10 mins, they went down the
stairs. Or to be specific, Bryce walked down the stairs while carrying her in
his arms.
Ken, Brad and Nat cheered when they
saw the two of them.
Amanda squeeled like a fangirl.
Em smirked at them in a teasing way.
“You look like newlyweds,” Ken said.
“Shut up, Ken,” Bryce said.
“Sa-chan, you're still hurt?” Nat
“I'm fine, Nat. Someone here is just
overeacting,” Sapphire answered, looking pointedly at Bryce.
“You are not fine, Sapphire. You
can't even walk without wincing from the pain,” Bryce said.
“It isn't that painful!” Sapphire
“You promised me that you would take
it easy while you still have a sprain,” Bryce said with finality.
“But it's embarrasing to be carried
like some invalid,” she whined.
“You don't look like an
invalid, Sapphire!” Brad said helpfully.
“You look more like a princess being
carried by her prince,” Amanda sighed dreamily.
“So, let's go?” Em said simply but
the teasing smile and the look she sent Sapphire was one that said, 'We're
going to talk about this later'.
Sapphire groaned inwardly. She is so
not looking forward to that 'talk'.
To be continued~
Note: Boracay~ Whew, I suddenly want to go to Boracay too xD Oh and for all who are not familiar with Boracay, here it is...
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